Page 9 - IBCU EBook
P. 9
Objectives of the Transformation towards Third Generation
Universities Globalization and Internationalization
• International accreditation of different programs
Transforming higher education to become global Key points that Reflect and Support Having International academic and professional
and to achieve excellence in education by creating Transformation Towards 3G Universities: programs to improve the quality of education. Partnership with Professional Entities
academic programs in collaboration with top and
highly ranked international universities. • International educational environment
Attracting students from all over the world to • Transforming the university to become an incubator of
Globalization and increase scientific exchange opportunities and to innovative and creative projects in science and
internationalization learn about various cultures. technology, whether through established companies or
Creating an integrated education system that • Partnerships with international research startups and emerging firms and companies to achieve
combines education, scientific research and use of economic growth, in the light of knowledge economy.
knowledge. institutions and centers • Promoting the concept of entrepreneurship among
Increasing opportunities of international students by creating international partnerships in the
Interest in relevant research publications and research funding. field of entrepreneurship and by creating incubators for
small enterprises, specifically those related to
Interest in relevant research technology.
Confronting local and international issues by Entrepreneurship and Innovative Projects
establishing programs that support the values of Partnership with • Improving education quality and linking it to the real
development, innovation and sustainability. world • Collaborating with international research institutions
professional entities • Linking fresh students to the world of industry to ensure and different professional entities to make the effect of
they are qualified for the labor market and to help them
build networks to be prepared for their professional paths. scientific research far reaching and beyond the
• Supporting developed scientific research which might even boundaries of CU.
Qualifying students, academic and administrative Entrepreneurship and innovative surpass the potentialities and resources of CU. • Supporting interdisciplinary and multispecialty
staff members to effectively participate in an projects research.
interactive international environment that provides • Interconnections of academic and industrial research • Forming research work teams, including researchers
from various specialties and scientific backgrounds in
educational services that help learners learn, work Cooperating with top universities to work closely on research centers, which depend on twinning programs
or live anywhere in the world. research projects, vital for their worldwide
competitiveness in the future. with academic and professional local and international
research institutions.